Contact Elder Reese


Mail Letters and Packages To:

Elder Hunter Reese
Colombia Cali Mission
Avenida 2, Oeste # 10-130, Edif Tempo
Oficina 201, Barrio Santa Rita
Cali Valle del Cauca
Colombia 760045

Monday, October 1, 2018

We Had A Baptism!

Hey guys,
This week we had a baptism!!! WOOHOOO!!!! Esther Herrera got baptized! I will try and attach pictures!! 

We were running frantic to get her ready because Monday she couldn't and Tuesday she couldn't and she had to have her baptismal interview on Friday! So we were doing our best to teach but without just hurrying through the lessons. 

This week we visited a member that is going on a month long work trip to this place in Colombia where there are no missionaries. It is just farmland. So he asked for pamphlets to be able to share the gospel while he is gone. He is a really good member. So we took him pamphlets and I gave him a tie and my companion gave him an oil thingy for blessings. It was a good experience! 

We had splits this week and I went to another area with a missionary that is finishing this transfer. He is from Lima Peru. It was fun because he is a cool dude. The downside was we had 1 appointment the whole day that was confirmed. We contacted the entire day! 

Then it started to rain. So it was just a great day. We made the most of it though. There was this crazy guy we contacted that just told stories about all the times people have tried to rob him and he has just repremanded them in the name if Jesus of Nazareth and they always run away. 

Its always funny when someone opens the door and all you do is say hi and then they just shake their head and say no and shut the door. Like aren't you just a little bit curious about what we do and who we are? 

On Saturday night this crazy drunk dude started telling us about his current problems. His girlfriend dumped him and his other girlfriend dumped him and then later his boyfriend dumped him. Bummer huh? 

He then told us about this great Idea he had. To just kill himself. Then he said he had an even better idea. Kill everyone in his house and THEN himself. We tried our best to counsel him but he wasn't very coherent. 

I also gave a baptismal interview this week to a 9 year old girl named Lauren. Her parents went inactive for a little while and she was 7 and now shes 9 and the missionaries need to baptized her. 

She was obviously nervous. So for 10 minutes I asked about her and showed her a picture of my family and my dog and we laughed and she was all better. She passed her interview and she got baptized on Saturday with Esther. She is a good little girl. 

Anyways, trnasfers are next week so we will see what happens. There are going to be some crazy changes I think. We will have to see how it goes. 

I love you guys! Thanks for everything! 

Con amor, 
Elder Reese 

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