Contact Elder Reese


Mail Letters and Packages To:

Elder Hunter Reese
Colombia Cali Mission
Avenida 2, Oeste # 10-130, Edif Tempo
Oficina 201, Barrio Santa Rita
Cali Valle del Cauca
Colombia 760045

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Mister Brandon

Hey guys,
This week was good!! We are really progressing in our area. 

We knocked on a door and found a family of 5. Mom Dad and 3 sons. They are such a unified family and they actually read the scriptures and pray!! We will see if they come to church this Sunday

We also have a single mother with her 3 children that we are teaching. Her name is DIana and her daughter Laura is so smart and they both have accepted to be baptized and are going to church tomorrow

It sounds like Dad bought some new toys. The guard of our office building carries a revolver and I asked him what caliber it was and he didn't know. I asked him when the last time he had shot it was and he told me he has never fired a weapon before. We pay him a little too much. 

It has rained SOOOOO much these past few weeks. This Tuesday it thundered so loud that these nuns at the terminal started to kneel down and pray in the middle of the walkway. I thought it was so cool. 

This week I was the companion of Elder Arcos. He got set apart as a missionary on Tuesday and was with me until Wednesday afternoon. Very nice kid. I have pictures but no way to send them! Sorry! 

Sounds like Duke is in the hot seat. (Duke got in my purse and chewed a credit card, come charger cords and food! I am still mad at him!) I still remember that one time I went to the bathroom and left some chicken nuggets on my plate on the couch and I came out and they were gone and so was Duke and he knew that he wasn't coming back in! You can't be mad at him though. (Oh, yes I can!)

I am super excited to meet the 300 new additions to the Reese family. I say the number sarcastically but it is true! All the little ones I knew are wayyy to big.  All the nieces and nephews love me no matter what. The only one that never chose me over others was Maddi. 

The other guard in our office, for some reason calls me Brandon. But sometimes he calls me Mister Brandon. I don't know why but he does. So every time I walk in I call him by whatever name that comes to my brain. I don't know if he pays attention. 

Anyways, that is about it for this week! I love you guys! Talk to you next week! 

Con amor, 
Elder Reese 

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